A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

January 15, 2009

The gutter garden is gone…

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest — Tags: , , — Bellinghamster @ 9:41 pm

Lucas came by yesterday to clean the rooftop moss garden that had lent a lovely green hue to the house. I loved that color green along with all the other greens on the property adjacent to the creek. And the gutter garden I and the Stellar Jays had grown accustomed to didn’t survive either. My son came home from school after the clean up was done and asked: Why is the roof white?

It was the moss killer.


  1. Hi Bellingham Foodie, just wondering if you are still around. It’s been awhile and I hope all is well with you.

    Comment by CM — February 8, 2009 @ 4:08 pm

  2. My publisher had the flu…will be back soon.

    Comment by Bellinghamster — March 6, 2009 @ 10:35 pm

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