A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

August 18, 2008

Joe’s Garden

Filed under: Bellingham local — Tags: , , — Bellingham Diner @ 11:04 pm

Joe’s Garden is a beautiful place. You drive by the fields of flowers and fruits and vegetables to arrive at the main house. The people who work there are smiling and eager to help. I think it has to do with Karol. She is a rush of happy. Her demeanor is ‘I love what I’m doing and I love to share it with you‘.

Joe's Garden

My Mother wanted to take some local blueberries home with her to Florida the next day. Karol said it would be easy to just put a top on the container; they would be good for 3 days. Oh, and Mom would like some lavender, too, please (even though the season is over). Karol cut it herself, gratis. She knows how to make my Mom happy! Is it any wonder the place was packed?

And I found more local raspberries here. Boxx Berry Farms had the last of their raspberries out on Friday – I got those. We ate them all within a day. Now we had more – happy faces. I also bought beets and cauliflower; roasted them with chicken and was lucky to get any. The corn looked great and so was the price.

Mike at Boxx Berry Farms paid me quite a compliment telling me I could be a twin to Karol. Thank you, Mike.

Related: Klipsun Magazine wrote about Joe’s Garden, Seattle Times on Joe Bertero, Joe’s Garden Bellingham  

July 14, 2008

Ye Olde Northwest Foodie Blog

Filed under: local — Tags: , , — Bellingham Diner @ 12:13 am

Just discovered the Old Northwest Fodie blog, via a link in the Bellingham Herald. Lane Morgan writes this off-beat and wholseome local foods blog, from the heart:

When I first started writing about local seasonal food, twenty years ago, I lived on a homestead, raised my own meat and vegetables, and wanted to spread the word about the Pacific Northwest farm economy and the joys of local produce in season. I wrote and edited regional cookbooks. Now I live in town, grow a smattering of fruits and vegetables, and the buzz is about local foodshed eating and carbon neutral diets.

The site has been added to the blogroll.

June 8, 2008

Swan Cafe in Bellingham Co-op

Filed under: Bellingham Restaurants — Tags: , — Bellinghamster @ 7:50 pm

Had some major shopping to do at the Bellingham Co-op this am. I forgot to eat breakfast before dropping kids off at school. You know what Oprah says about going food shopping when you’re hungry: DON’T!

Well, I solved that problem by just eating breakfast at the Swan Cafe in the Co-op. I’m good at solving problems. My daughter and I shared a delicious eggs and bacon stuffed buckwheat crepe. It came with a fruit salad which she commandeered immediately. I have to be honest: I have enjoyed everything I’ve ever eaten at the Swan Cafe. It’s like a favorite stumble home bar – perfect.

Of course, for lunch I took home the cabbage piroshki (my all time favorite).

As you’ll learn, I adore cabbage. I am a foodie of discerning taste.

May 21, 2008

El Rinconcito in Bellingham, WA

Filed under: Bellingham Restaurants — Tags: , , — Bellinghamster @ 10:34 pm

A Mexican restaurant by any other name would not be so cozy. My good friend down the block grew up in Bellingham. She said they always saved Friday nights for El Rinconcito. Now I know why.

Fresh chips, delicious salsa and a portion to feed a few…and the best part was nobody asked us how our meal was. They would discreetly walk by, but not disturb us.

Let me explain. My partner and I were out to lunch again during the kids Wednesday art class. We have 3 children. 12, 10, 5. Let’s just say meals as a family are not quiet and someone always needs something after we’ve sat down — you know the movie line from Christmas Story: “…my mother hasn’t had a hot meal in 14 years…”.

So, when I extoll the virtues of a restaurant that leaves me alone when I’m eating, you’ll understand.

Muy buena comida.

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