A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

March 12, 2009

Katie’s Cupcakes, Fairhaven

I was taking a walk through Fairhaven the other week. The sun was shining, the air was crisp and I was looking for something to eat. So what else is new. I noticed some places gone, some places coming. And then I realized one of the places coming was a cupcake store! Wishes do come true: a cupcake store was opening in Bellingham!

Katie’s Cupcakes will open around St. Patrick’s Day next door to the old Fool’s Onion space in Fairhaven. If they taste half as good as the cupcakes served by Liz Kovacs from Icing on the Cake, Katie’s will be a success. Here’s my unsolicited advice to Katie Swanson: please do birthday parties! And if I could ask one more favor, could you come up with a vegan cupcake, too? I really like CM at veganinbellingham.com.

1005 Harris Ave, Fairhaven

Hot Juice

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest — Bellinghamster @ 4:18 pm

My friend, Jane, was not feeling well. Could I get her something to drink? I offered her some hot tea? a hot toddy? She asked for hot juice. Hot juice? What is hot juice? Well. It seems hot juice is just the thing to drink when a scratchy throat is what ails you. The recipe? Simple: 2/3 cup favorite juice, 1/3 cup boiled water, mixed in a comfort mug.

Since I am not above wearing a garland of garlic, I tried a steaming mug of hot juice. It was wonderful! Who invented this? Bottoms up!

PS If you are looking for a FANTASTIC deal on R W Knudsen blueberry juice, Costco has it in stock again: 64oz @ $5.85. Knudsen juices are also on sale at the Food Co-op. Some 32oz varieties are $2.69; the Just Juices 32oz are $2.99.

March 8, 2009

Garlic: How I love thee

Filed under: Bellingham local,local,Pacific Northwest — Bellinghamster @ 9:46 pm

My son came home from school today and gave me a big hug. He said, ‘Mom, you smell like an everything bagel toasted with butter!’ My cold remedy has not offended him, it has reminded him of a favorite treat!

Yes, the plague is in my house and many of their classmates homes, too. My solution is to wear a necklace garland of garlic to ward off the evil spirits and vampires that would infect me. No, seriously, since I have a cold I’ve included, with my vitamin C and chicken soup remedies, roasted garlic. Not a pill supplement or a clove every couple of hours. Beautiful heads of garlic roasted in olive oil salted and smeared on toasted baguettes. I may never be ill again, and I may forever smell like an everything bagel.

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