A Bellingham Foodie Blog Restaurant Reviews Bellingham Washington 98225

June 8, 2008

Swan Cafe in Bellingham Co-op

Filed under: Bellingham Restaurants — Tags: , — Bellinghamster @ 7:50 pm

Had some major shopping to do at the Bellingham Co-op this am. I forgot to eat breakfast before dropping kids off at school. You know what Oprah says about going food shopping when you’re hungry: DON’T!

Well, I solved that problem by just eating breakfast at the Swan Cafe in the Co-op. I’m good at solving problems. My daughter and I shared a delicious eggs and bacon stuffed buckwheat crepe. It came with a fruit salad which she commandeered immediately. I have to be honest: I have enjoyed everything I’ve ever eaten at the Swan Cafe. It’s like a favorite stumble home bar – perfect.

Of course, for lunch I took home the cabbage piroshki (my all time favorite).

As you’ll learn, I adore cabbage. I am a foodie of discerning taste.


  1. […] Community Food Co-op is a shining example of people who are sunny and/or above board helpful. Erin is the best because she knows how to stick it to me and I don’t even know it – that’s major talent from a girl from Ohio. My NY sarcasm is never lost on her, merely lobbed back like a birdie – bing! […]

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  2. […] Community Food Co-op at the Cordata Store held a wonderful event today. It was a BBQ For Literacy. They served a $3 BBQ […]

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  3. […] Lots of restaurants open every year? Well, not vegetarian restaurants, and in Bellingham to boot! A Community Food Coopster told me it will be located on Cornwall Avenue in the old Billiards space (across the street […]

    Pingback by Bloom — A Bellingham Foodie Blog — October 2, 2009 @ 6:26 pm

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